September 14, 2024

Maui's only adult hula competition, features award-winning hālau competing in solo and group performances. Kane (Male) and Wahine (female) dancers from hālau in Hawaiʻi, Japan, and the Continental US, compete in both kahiko (traditional) and ‘auana (modern) hula stylings. All portions of the competition are judged by renowned kumu hula from throughout Hawai`i.

Join us this Year.

In 2024, Kū Mai Ka Hula will celebrate its 17th Anniversary. The Competition will showcase Ms. and Mr. Hula Maui kahiko and ʻauana performances and the Group competition for Kāne, Wāhine, and Kūpuna.

Dare to Dance.

“Hula encourages you to push yourself out of your comfort zone, to look at the world through the eyes of others, and to be grateful for all that is Hawaiʻi. To me, that popular phrase ‘Hula is life’ means more than ‘Hula is what I love to do. It means ‘Hula is who I am.’” -na Hōkūlani Holt